Yesterday, I took a few extra moments I had to remove the McCain and Yes on 8 bumper stickers off my car as Serafina was riding her bike around the driveway. When she realized what I was doing she stopped riding and ran over very concerned.
"Mommy, don't take McCain off, he has not won yet." (we all ready explain to the kids that Obama won, etc., however when your 3 it is a hard concept.)
"Remember Love, McCain lost. Obama is our new President and in 4yr there will be a new election, then it will be a new person we will support so we will get a new sticker."
Serafina looks confused. So trying to have a little fun, I jokingly say, " Maybe Mommy will run for President. Should Mommy be President?"
To this she got very stern and said, "NO! Daddy works!!! You stay home with kids!!."
"I could be president or go to work."
"NO!! Daddy works! Mommies stay home with their kids!!"
I about died, I have never said anything of the sort like that. I guess it is all what they see in their little worlds. I did reassure her that I would not run for president. I also told her that women/mommies do/can work and are great at their jobs. I used some examples of friends we have, she just never sees them at work, she only sees them with their kids, to funny, so she thought they were all like us.
8 hours ago
I guess Serafina is too young to understand the notion that staying home and raising kids is WORK! As a matter of fact, for some of us it is more so than working outside the home. (I guess I am speaking for myself here.)
HA! SO funny! Anna has said things too, along those lines, and I had never expressed those things to her either!
Okay the thought of you taking your McCain sticker down makes me sad for some reason! By the end of the election I was really pulling for ol' John!!!
(Oh and if you ever DO run for president, you'll have my vote. :) )
I was right there along with Serafina being a little sad seeing the McCain sticker coming down. Not quite sure what to do with myself.
I do apperciate the vote of confidence if I do run of president!
Candance- you need to mention that to my husband, sometimes I really to believe he thinks I sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day! haha
If you did become president, you could make it a job requirement for Stay at Home moms; Every day you must take time to sit on the couch and eat bonbons!
I'm sure Matt would love me to tease him about something new!
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