adding the second baby is hard but after that it's easy?! Obviously that person never had a fourth!! HAHA
This is Antonio James:
Week One: Went to the doctors for normal check up - found out that he is tongue tied, not bad, since he is nursing fine, so we do nothing and just watch it. (Basically there is a chance it could lead to speech problems but we will wait and see. When you google search it it freaks you out could lead to teeth issue..etc, that is why they tell you not to google things)
Week Two: Went to the doctors to get him circumcised. Yes we circumcise. I am learning that AJ is not an easy baby, lets just say he is sensitive.
Week Three: Went to the doctors (do you see a pattern) for a bad rash. It is yeast. Also went to a nutritionist who has helped many a mama solve lactation problems because the kid spits up his entire meal every time he eats and eats every 1.5hr, 2hr if your lucky (yes this is at night too)
Week Four: Yup you guessed it, went to the doctors bad rash still there. Still believes it is yeast but we added neosporin to our regiment, this helps a lot. Oh and did I mention there was a thought in week one that he might be club foot (google search that one!! AGH) but we started foot exercises and the doc said he all ready looks better and ligament is not tight at all, therefore no club foot.
Week Five: Oh yes that is right, went to the doctors he has a hernia. Yes a hernia, but again it is a waiting game. The type of hernia he has is called an Umbilical Hernia, the most common hernia in infants. The treatment is to let it close itself over time. And get could take up to a year!! If it isn't healed by 2 then you look into surgery.
Oh and did I mention there are 3 other kids at home?!? I almost forgot, on top of the baby who loves to visit the doctor, is still nursing every 2hrs (not throwing up as much now, we are thankful for little blessing), and is only happy if I am holding him, feeding him, or he is moby wrapped, there are 3 other children to take care of. Whom I must say are handling the new baby great. They are nothing but dolls to him. Matteo is a little more quick to cry which makes evenings difficult but they all love there brother.
What amaze me the most is the fact that I am operating on little to no sleep. I am so surprised at the fact that I haven't crashed and burned yet. In the last few weeks I have been known to clean the kitchen at 4am in the morning, fold laundry, and even make lunches, mainly because I figured if I am all ready up with a moby wrapped baby to my chest trying to clam him down might as make good use of the time. However I do have a wonderfully support family both on my side and Matt's side that help me constantly, anytime I ask. And my mom bought us that hammock thing in the picture above that has been a God send, he will sleep in there for a couple hours which rocks.
So that is where we are...if I owe you an email...forgive me...if you have face booked me....forgive me....if you have called me....forgive me....I have not had much time to return messages.
8 hours ago
Just in case you haven't heard it lately: YOU ARE AMAZING!! God's grace is so evident in your life and I am stoked to know you!!
Good thing AJ wasn't your first! Take care dear niece...
You poor thing. I guess you get a free pass on S.H.A.P.E.
Oh Tracy, I'm sorry there have been so many issues! (When I was a baby I had an umbilical hernia, FYI.) You're such an amazing mama and I love the thought of you cleaning and such at 4 am!!!
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