Oh my, I think this is the longest I have gone without updating my blog!! To my faithful readers I am sorry. Needless to say it has been crazy around these parts. I could go on with excuse after excuse to as why the blog has not been updated but instead I thought I would just list the many activities we have been busy doing. There are not many pictures to go along with our activities because my camera has been acting a little crazy lately!!
To start off with, 1st grade has been a huge adjustment for us all. Public school is crazy, it's big, there is homework, and the hours are just not conducive to a babies nap schedule!! However Sam does seem to love his class and being with his friends. Recess is still his favorite part of school.
For those for you who don't know my brother is getting married Dec 6th to my friend Jennifer. I have the joy of being the Maid-of-honor. (Jen was my Maid-of-Honor) Which means, I also get to throw the Bridal Shower. The best thing is that her other bridesmaid Jeannett is co-hosting with me so we have been able to split up the work. The shower is this weekend and I am very excited however, very busy. For the last few weeks ever spare minute has been spent doing little things. I can not explain much now because Jen does read my blog and I want her to be somewhat in the dark. She does know it is a Tiffany themed shower and that everyone has been asked to wear their favorite little black dress!! Oh how fun!! Maybe if I have time I will post more after this weekend.
Which leads into my next time sucker- because of the wedding- and the fact I am in the wedding, my mom and I decided to join this workout thing called "Team Fit". It is a 12wk fitness program where you compete against other teams to see who can loss the highest percentage of weight (think biggest loser on a smaller scale). Basically my mom and I have now become gym rats, every spare moment we have you can find us at the gym sweating up a storm, it is pretty sick!! We are also eating salads!! You gotta love it! The big question is, do you have a piece of cake at the bridal shower?!
About 2 wks after my mom and I joined team fit my husband (who has always has been a political guy) decide that if he was going to see a change in our country he needed to get involved. *****HUGE DISCLAIMER NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICAL DEBATE JUST LETTING PEOPLE KNOW WHY I HAVE NO TIME CURRENTLY****** So he decide to volunteer for the republican party to try and help McCain get elected President. The party was so impressed by his resume they basically asked him to run an office, my husband's head swelled up is so huge he could not say no and well I have not seen him since!! Good Luck McCain, Matt is working hard for you!!
Then to top it all off I decide to start researching homeschooling options! Which I am sure will become the topics of many post to comes. There are a ton of reason to why I am considering this option. Again the reasons along could be a blog post themselves. I thought I would throw this out here right now for fellow blogger Brianna, if your reading. After looking into homeschooling and talking with parents whom have successfully home schooled multiple children (in multiple families and situations) these are two outstanding curriculum options, i thought you might be interested in looking at. The first one is Calvert School, they have what looks like an awesome Pre-K program if you wanted to try it with Anna to see if you liked homeschooling before Kindergarten!! Just a thought. And the other one is called Tapestry of Grace, I have not explored this curriculum as much, because it seems like it is for much older kids. But it comes highly recommended!
Then there are all the other little things in life, swimming, dinner, hanging out, watching uncle Mario play football. My friend Mary had her baby, Tobin. I have been trying like mad to finish his baby quilt, he is now 7wks old and it is still not done!! We have had school Bar-B-Que and both kids schools, we celebrate my parents anniversary, our anniversary (again), Mario and Karlee birthday. Of course we have also fit in a couple girls nights, and I have had a few minor melt downs! All in all in has been a wild begin to the fall and who knows when the coaster might end.
Last but not least a Matteo update: at our last doctor appointment he weighed 19lbs, I forget how long he was. He was in the 50% for weight 75% for height. He now has 3 teeth. One tooth is only there because he feel so hard on his gums that it caused the tooth to prematurely break through the gums! Oh well, boys will be boys.
Hope you all are doing well.
2 weeks ago
Well, I found my blogging password, so now you can see that I actually read your blog. It's about time that you returned for your fans. I want to see pictures of the shower. No excuses, do you want to borrow my camera?
Thanks for the camera offer, I just e-mailed Jeannett to bring hers!! I am very sad, the pictures of Madi and Matteo swinging are all balck! =( I guess that means we have to go back to the park.
Nice to have you back. I guess I can keep you on my "favorites" list.
SO glad you're blogging again!!!
Thanks for the recommendations! I look forward to reading more posts about this for sure as you process through everything. I've been looking at Sonlight and Five in a Row for next year. Also I've blogged about "Well Trained Mind" before, I ended up buying a copy because it's such a great reference. I like the idea of classical education.
Here in the Denver area there are these schools that are technically part of the public school system (aka FREE!!!) that meet one full-day per week offering all sorts of classes, mostly fine arts. I'm thinking we'll do that as well.
So blog soon about all this, I look forward to reading more! :)
Oh and I meant to say, congrats to Matt on the McCain position! You can tell him that his candidate has my vote. So clearly he's doing a great job! :)
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