Regusci's Rags

Quilting and family; keeping life in stitches!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hystrical Moments

 I was not sure what I was going to post about today.  After a long weekend with sick kiddos my brain was just not interested in coming up with anything to write.  Then after laying the kids down for a nap I started looking through random pictures while "cleaning up" my files and I came across this: 


Which made my heart heart so happy; I started laughing out loud remembering the night Matt attempted to make his normally awesome ribs but instead lost track of time and burnt them to a crisp.

I am talking crisp....oh I am laughing right now...look at those pictures again.
Those bones are white.
Laughing still...can't type.....
We tried picking them up and they would just crumble it was awesome...awe...some.

Oh and the best part.

Did I mention we remembered the rib when flames started shooting up from the BBQ.


I mean feet high.....again....laughing... total awesomeness

oh yeah and the heat from the flames did this:

The three read arrows are pointing out the cracks in the window.

Those crispy ribs where the most expensive piece of meat Matt ever cooked.

But we definitely got entertainment value out of them..

Heck this is months later and I am still laughing...

still laughing!!

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