As most are aware mom and I have been working out with a personal trainer for the last year now. We do everything with her cardio to weight lifting. Mom was even working out up to the days before surgery. Our trainer is very much into boot camp style training, so quite often we use 8-10lb weights and do 3 sets of 15-20reps of a variety of different upper body strength things in any given workout. So this morning, after my mom suggested for the fun of it lets take the kids to Starbucks for oatmeal and steamed milk, and I handed hear the the Starbucks across the table with only one lonely oatmeal in it, I had no idea of the scene that was about to unfold.......
My left handed mother reached for the bag, weighing in at I am guessing under 1lb were talking oz, I was holding above her venti latte.
She grabbed it, I let go after all this women was weighting lifting much heavier things in reps just a week ago.
Oh but then...The bag lost altitude at an alarming rate, but yet it was slow motion.
Nothing could be done, the venti latte was now a helpless victim, thrown down by the descending bag was all over, latte..flew across the table like a waterfall cascading down all sides right into Serafina's lap, Mom's uggs and everything else in its path. Serafina was on her feet in her chair, Matteo did not seem phased, Sam grabbed his stuffed and ran for another table. Mom and I just laughed. Of course there was a line out the door, so the employees couldn't help us at that time but handed us paper towels and rags. We soaked, mopped, rung out what we could and then settled back in to finish our oatmeal and steamed milk. (Sam joined us now that is was clean again). Then....
Yes it happened, Serafina's steam milk somehow slipped straight out of her hands down to the floor and the flood happened all over again. Milk all over the uggs, flowing down grout, (thank goodness we had not given the paper towels back) we soaked it all up. It was then we decide to leave Starbucks, but not before I but a nice size tip in the jar!!
The lesson we learned was that maybe Nana, needs to wait (a little longer) before lifting things with her left arm still, she is definitly not up to her 8-10lb weights right now!
How is your Thursday?
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Maybe she needs to be using a sippy cup! I think if I were Sam I would have stayed at the other table by myself!
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