Regusci's Rags

Quilting and family; keeping life in stitches!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bleated Birthday Report

As always we have been busy so I haven't had a chance to post about my wonderful daughter turning four! She seems so big now, it was like over night, a bunch of her fears went away, and she is helping out more around the house. She tells me that it is because she is four. When she was three she was scared but now that she is four she is no longer scared. What a crack up. Her favorite thing to do is read, and play doctor. Her and papa read stories together almost ever night. She reads him a few BOB books and then he reads multiple story books. It is to cute. The other night she told him that she is still planning on being a doctor but that she is also going to write books on the body and being a doctor because there are no good kids book about it. She keeps us rolling.

For her birthday she wanted a doctor party, so we through a doctor party with band-aids, skeletons and x-rays! It was a great time and I think everyone had a wonderful time, especially the birthday girl.

As always my dad put the best of the best picture of his website click here.

Happy Bleated Birthday post my sweet angel.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Better late than never. Love the theme.