Antonio James Regusci
April 25th 2010
6lbs 6oz, 19inch
April 25th 2010
6lbs 6oz, 19inch
Thank you to everyone for all the kind words on face book, etc. It was so much yesterday scrolling through what seemed like hunderds of kind words from our family and friends! Thank you.
We are were so happy to be home by lunch time yesterday and even more excited to sleep in our own bed last night. I forgot how nice it is to sleep with out a baby in your belly!! Now as a new mommy with her baby curled on her chest I have to share my version of AJ's birth:
Labor and Delivery couldn't have been better. (I should say after it was done, there were a few tense moments).
On Sunday we went into the the hospital and my Doc put a little cream on my cervix to help dilation along (it was 9:15). After sitting in bed for a couple hours I was released to walk around so that is what we did. Little contractions started but I was laughing through them so didn't think much of them. My water did break/ start leaking while we were walking outside. We had a great time staging a picture that circled face book. Yes those were my feet.
I ate a little lunch around 12:15pm and then Matt and I decided another walk might get things moving; we were tired of waiting around (it was now 1pm). During that little walk contractions really started to come. I had to stop walking and there was no talking, I did laugh during one when I guy walked by and said "I remember that, my wife was yelling 'baby out, baby out' at that point!"
At 1:30 we were back in the room and I thought I might die the contraction were so hard. I was bouncing on the ball, thinking I have only been in active labor for about 15min, I didn't know how I was going to handle hours of this or how I had done it in the past. I was barely making it through contractions at this point and my nurse came in, took one look at me and instantly wanted to check me.
My mind was all ready selling me on pain meds, if I am freaking out after 30 minutes of hard labor how can I do this? I was crying thinking I was letting myself down, why am i having a such a hard time?!?
Up on the bed I went at 2:00pm the nurse checked and said I am calling the doctor your 8cm!!
I had a fully turn around of attitude...8cm how could that be?! No wonder I was in so much pain I was in transition. That little piece of news made all the difference I buckled down and made it through another set of contrations, doctor showed up, pushing started and after about 15min of pushing AJ was on my chest, screaming bloody murder. Never had one scream, let alone scream bloody murder!! It was now 2:44pm basically an hour and half from what I considered labor starting and about 3 hr from the first contraction! Who would have thought. I sat there for over an hour just holding him, amazed that he was here and so fast. What a blessing from God.
Then the nurse took him and weighted our little guy: 6lbs 6oz. Over a pound lighter then our other babies! 19inch; an inch shorter then the others! How crazy.
The next day less they 24hr after having our little man entered the world we were heading home and have been happily recovering here since.
We feel so blessed.
Thanks again to everyone. I do have more pics to share I just after gather them from everyone's camera's. So stay tuned.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is very hard to be so far away during this wonderful event. I find myself in tears again.... Love you all, be well...
SO precious. What a tremendous blessing and so grateful everyone is healthy and happy and HOME! :-D
You are a rock star!!!
i love you!
What color is his hair? :-)
Very Funny Jon!!!
Tracy, That picture of Sam and AJ is my favorite. It is so hard to get a good picture of Sam. This one is awesome...
His hair is currently brown, we will have to wait and see Matteo was brown too, but lost it all!
The Sam an AJ picture is my fav too, I am going to print it up for the wall
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