When Matt is sick I treat him like a prince. His needs quickly sky rocket from 4th in line behind Sam, Serafina, and Matteo's to first. If he needs wants asks for something, anything I do my best to make that happen and I check on him constintly.
When I am sick, it is like I have been brought this evilness upon the family and need to punished. This is something I try to figure out everytime I get sick. It is really rather amazing. This evening for example I was laying on couch my husband comes home, doesn't ask how I am doing, I ask a few simple questions get the brush off. I head off to our room. It has now been 2hr. Not sure he even realizes I left. What is up with this, I could be close the death (ok I am not, just the stomcach bug) but really. What if I need water, (I do need water, I am on the way to serious dehydration I know).
So for my sick in bed entertainment evetone can answer these questions:
Does sickness scare men?
Do they not know how to handle it when we are incapacited?
How do we turn our manly men into loveing caring metrosexuals?
So here I am laying in bed updating my blog from my blackberry, all I want is a bowl of chicken noodle soup but it is to much to ask for tonigt maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Anyone want to bring me chicken noodle soup?
2 weeks ago
I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Jeff is at his BEST when I'm ill. Each time I've been sick, he takes over complete responsibility of the children, and brings me anything I need. Maybe it's that Matt truly isn't blue or "F."
When Jeff was sick throwing up one New Year's Eve, and we were all staying at the parade house, I put him in the car and dropped him at a hotel. I didn't check him in at the counter, or anything else. I didn't get him medicine, or call to see if he was okay the next day. Then we were getting ready to show up to the parade, and there was Jeff. He had taken a taxi back to us. I'm afraid that I lack the care taking gene as well. I want illness as far away from me as possible.
Summer . . . you wanna get married?
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