Today I had another OB visit, and yes he about died when I told him about my intelligender test. He definitely thought it was pretty funny and can not wait to see if it is true or not!! The world is waiting with baited breath. My mom and my mother-in-law went along with me. We had a great time and got a long look at the little nut. She (he) was swimming around quite active but my OB manged to get one good picture to print (which is pretty good considering how small the little guy is). He also tried to take a peek at the gender but it is to early, at one point he pointed to a white line on the screen and said that could be a boy part or just the umbilical cord, ha!
My next appointment is in 6wk and he promised to try and get a good look at the gender then! It cracks me up, I really thought with this one I would wait and find on the gender at birth but no. Now it is all we talk about. Promise the next post will be about something other than the little nut.
Looking at the picture the head is on the left and can make out the profile of the baby (pretty big nose huh?!?)
Awesome....I think little nutella looks peaceful. I'm still voting for a girl to be born on April
My vote is with you too!
And this picture is why I don't believe in abortion!
Aunt Susan
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