Around our house we are into predicting the babies sex. With Serafina, I knew it was a boy because I wanted a boy (but secretly I suspected it was a girl). Every time I went to the OB I would ask him the heart (which was always in the 140 range) suggesting a girl. Which of course everyone was predicting a girl. (at which my OB just rolled his eyes)
With Matteo we decide to take it a step further and do the wedding ring on a string above your belly. I cant remember now but if it spun in a circle it meant one sex and if it swayed back and forth it was the other. Well my wedding ring did both at the same time so I thought for sure that meant fraternal twins...duh. Enter in the world Matteo; one boy!
So with this baby I though what experiment could we do this time. At the first ultrasound the heart beat was 140, Girl. (OB rolled his eye) But that didn't seem good enough that is when I found this:The Intelligender test!! For mere $29 at you can find out your babies sex as early as 10wks. The accuracy is claimed to be 82% in really world testing and 90% in lab testing. OH baby who could pass up this fun way of predicting the babies sex before the 16wk (or so) ultrasound...Not me. So this morning I peed in cup, swirled around 10 minutes later discovered...
To be honest it was not as easy to read as I thought because of the murky green color at the bottom so I went to the web site and compared sample results that they have up and it definitely is a girl prediction.
Needles to say I am hoping that I am not part of the 18% that get a false result (yes Jeanette we know you would probably fall in that category). I would love another girl. (Don't worry I will be happy with a boy too, a healthy baby is what we pray for) We are going to find out the babies sex, hopefully my OB will get a good look in about 5-6wk. I cant wait to tell him about my inteligender test, he is going to think I have truly gone off the deep end.
So there you have it. I will leave you now with my favorite FAQ from their web site:
Can I paint the baby’s room after the test results?
IntelliGender does not recommend test users to make any financial, emotional or family planning decisions based on the test results. This includes painting a nursery!
8 hours ago
You are a freak Tracy. But you already knew that.
I have already finished knitting a little pink/yellow dress for Nutella!
love it!!! can't wait to see what it is!
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